
Nai Nai ya cooks delicious! In the form, it evokes her cravings and makes her want to move chopsticks when she sees the food on the table.

Alas! Hard luck!
Baby, your mother, I’m really unlucky, okay?
Huangfuyi said that after eating a half full, put the dishes and chopsticks, take Mo Qing’s handkerchief, wipe the root of the corners of the mouth, and there is no oil stain. Get up and hold out your hand toward Liancheng. "Let’s go, I’ll help you walk in the courtyard and then let’s go to the palace."
"Do you really want to eat that little at every meal?" Liancheng put his little hand in the man’s palm and wanted to have a discussion. "Can you add a little more to the foundation this morning?" And she made a little gesture.
Huangfuyi eyebrow eye smiled and shook his head and said softly, "No"
"All right!" Liancheng is like a frost-beaten eggplant withering. She is not depressed in a flash. I can secretly cook and eat by myself if you don’t give me more food. What can you do?
Can’t keep looking at me?
Jane doe, the truth!
Huangfuyi is determined to be with his own mother every day. Anyway, he doesn’t go to court every day, and there is nothing important to do. It is the most important thing for him to accompany his mother’s adult to have a baby and wait for her to be born. He won’t think about it or ask.
Liancheng didn’t let Huangfuyi help him when he went to the college, but let him take his little hand and stroll slowly along the flower path.
Los element Luo Tian didn’t light up and ran to the door of the young couple’s bedroom to get the bodyguard leave Huangfuyi frowned and told the bodyguard to put people in, and told Hao Mammy to arrange accommodation for Los element, and told Liying Yee Dream to keep an eye on this uneasiness.
Irritating Gu Liancheng, why is it so irritating? Sleeping in my own room makes … a man like a fallen fairy. The kitchen is full of food and drinks and still haunts the man. Is this for her to see how much they love each other?
Los Suro a relatively high position in the pavilion far looked at Huangfuyi holding Liancheng hand two people talking and laughing out of the bedroom.
Where are they going? Is it into the palace? What’s to lose her? No, she has to follow them and see what they can do.
Make up your mind, Luo Suluo picked up her skirt and went outside the pavilion, followed by two little girls who waited on her.
"Don’t you ask me to come with you when you go out?" Chasing Huangfuyi Liancheng, two people stared at Luo Suluo and confidently said, "Where Gu Liancheng is during the day, I will be there. This is her promise to ask her if you don’t believe me." She said to Huangfuyi.
Huangfuyi’s dark eyes half narrowed and looked at her for a while. He left the culvert and said, "Go and prepare a carriage again." He took Liancheng and continued walking towards the door of Wangfu.
"You can’t ignore me, you can’t show your face to me, and you should know that it’s no good to annoy your princess." The word "your princess" is extremely pronounced.
Huangfuyi suddenly looked gloomy. "You’d better not push your luck!" Looking back deeply at Los Suro, he said coldly
Luo Suluo feels uncomfortable in his heart. Doesn’t he care about her feelings at all? Not at all?
Pulling out a hairpin from the beginning, she shouted at Huangfuyi’s back, "Say you won’t make a face at me and say you will talk to me well, or I’ll die for you now!" The eyes are sour, but she doesn’t want to cry, don’t want to cry in front of him, and don’t want him to sympathize with her. Now that she hates her, hate her deeply!
At least this way he can remember her!
Huangfuyi and Liancheng both stopped and looked back at Luo Suluo, and they found a face of determination when they reached the neck artery with their hairpins in their hands.
"I don’t think it’s okay for you to ask like this, but don’t you think it’s a little too fake?" Liancheng eyes light transfixed at Luo Suluo slowly, "Bright can give you a good face and talk to you well, but he did it because of me. What do you want me to say? Chapter 86 Crazy.
Luo Suluo glared at her and said angrily, "What kind of taste will I have? Do you want to promise me or not?" She didn’t look at Liancheng again, but looked straight at Huangfuyi and other answers.
He is her maple, and she is alone. Maple is not a bright prince, nor is it Huangfuyi, but she met the maple in the street.
"Ok, I promise you to go!" Huangfuyi her eyes look relatively relaxed tone light shallow way
Luo Suluo confirmed again, "Do you really promise me?" Her voice trembled and her eyes became more and more sour.
Huangfuyi nodded lightly "hmm"
He promised, promised, promised that he would never give her a face or talk coldly to her. What made her feel bad when she heard him promise?
Yes, he agreed to her request because Gu Liancheng was hurt by his princess.
Huangfuyi and Liancheng have gone far. Luo Su Luo looked at the tears in their eyes and finally failed to stop.
Afraid of being seen, she raised her hand to wipe and then chased her maple.
At the gate of Wangfu, Huangfuyi held Liancheng in a carriage and pushed the window to see Luo Suluo coming with two maids, which commanded the guards to drive in the direction of the palace.
He didn’t pay attention to Luo Suluo’s eyes and didn’t have the mind to pay attention.
Hehe, tell him not to put on a cold face and tell him to talk well. He never disdains to look at a woman who is so pushy.