
The old man’s wish is so simple but so difficult to realize.

Shen Qiqi should stop saying what it means to eat quickly and practice hard again.
The old woman’s wish has come true. She must redouble her efforts to see Master earlier.
It has been many days since I lost the news of Shen Qiqi, and Junyang has recovered from the initial panic, but he still knows the specific location of Shen Qiqi.
On that day, Macey Eva smelled Hu Ji’s breath at the edge of the cliff, so he found her and forced her to ask her that Hu Ji had died before she would admit that she had seen July 7, and then he came forward to know that Shen and Hu Ji were a couple.
I don’t know if Shen knows Hu Ji’s identity.
Macey Eva suddenly thought that Hu Ji said that she would take July 7th to save people after knowing that Hu Ji and Shen were together. It seems that it must be suspicious to save people.
"I didn’t expect this Hu Jicong I to be confused at the moment" Macey Eva sighed.
"Oh, what do you mean?" It’s rare to hear Macey Eva sigh Jun Yang to listen to the interest.
"You also know that we are snakes, snakes, and people who fall in love with each other are taboo. Besides, like Hu Ji, Shen and she are the kind of people who can’t have physical contact with her, so that her snake venom will slowly penetrate into Shen Shen, and when the toxin slowly accumulates, he will be poisoned to death."
"So Hu Ji wants to use Ganoderma lucidum to relieve Shen poison?"
"Yes, but Ganoderma lucidum has been integrated with Qiqi, and it wants to save people with Qiqi’s blood, but then Qiqi will die because of the blood."
"She won’t have this chance," Jun Yang said. "She can pay for her sins herself."
Macey Eva shook her head and sighed, but didn’t say anything about her body. She felt sorry for Hu Ji, but she wouldn’t change her position because of it.
"According to Hu Ji, Qiqi and Qin Sheng were taken away by a white light. What do you think about this?" Jun Yang asked.
"I have heard of similar things before, but I have never seen them with my own eyes. It is said that this beam will take people somewhere, and some beams have tears. I am not sure where July 7th was taken."
"If she is still alive, I will definitely find her," Junyang said firmly.
At the same time, he ordered Jun Si to "call Lingchen and Su Yu"
"Yes" Jun Si was ordered to leave.
"LingChen and Sue fish? They can find July 7th? " Macey Eva inclined to glance at Jun Yang and asked curiously.
"The theory can be, but I’m not sure if I haven’t practiced it."
"Are they good?" Macey Eva asked again.
"If there are special circumstances, they will not be touched." Jun Yang replied.
At the bottom of the cliff, Shen Qiqi and Qin Sheng also practiced against time, hoping to practice to the highest level in the shortest time. The later, the more difficult it is to practice.
After practicing on the second floor this day, Shen Qiqi found that there was no way to break through.
Bao Wang w w w b a s h u 7
This made her very anxious, and she still made no progress in trying any methods.
Shen Qiqi has an indomitable spirit. The harder it is to finish things, the more she has to try, so she keeps trying again and again until fine sweat pours from her forehead and still doesn’t stop.
Qin Sheng found Shen Qiqi unusual. She tried again and again as if she were possessed. This point is to be possessed. Chapter 79 is possessed.
"July 7th stop! "Qin Sheng quickly drink her.
However, she is like a demon, mechanically sitting and moving repeatedly, reacting to the outside world.
Qin Sheng nai can stop her.
Shen Qiqi woke up to see Qin Sheng looking at himself with a face of worry and wondering, "What’s wrong with me? “
"You are too impatient and almost possessed," Qin Sheng replied.
Shen Qiqi’s eyes were dark. "I just want to go out early."
"More haste, less speed, more impatience, or you have to take your time." Qin Sheng patted her on the shoulder. "I think you are too tight these days. Let’s relax first. Do you want me to walk with you?"
"No, I’ll just walk around." Shen Qiqi said and hurried out.
Qin Sheng stared at her back for a long time before she withdrew her sight.