
"The murderous madman organization, the Rio Tinto family, is really a loss that they can get together." Forget the dust and smile. The coffin is a special organization for killing fun, and all of them are ruthless and terrible.

"Hey, what about the White House?"
It’s unreasonable to see that the family has finished talking but there is no White House. It can’t be said that the White House has Bai Shura, so it doesn’t need foreign aid. Bai Shura is really awesome, but his age is still not up to which level.
"White House?"
"I heard that their family headquarters seems to be a very powerful big shot in the new world. It seems that even if our four families are together, they are no match for the big shot. It is said that the reason why Tooth Wolf didn’t come to Zhongzhou this time was because he seemed to negotiate with the big shot to keep him out of Zhongzhou affairs."
"It is said that the Ten Commanders have dispatched half of them, and even the warlords have five super families to go."
Are the warlords and commanders out?
"It seems that there is a possibility." It was once heard that Bai Shura was attracted by a super-big man in the new world and had such a high achievement at a young age.
"What did you say? ""Nothing’s right. Siyu lent me one of your words for so long, and I need to connect with my companion. "Forgetting the dust, I realized that my words might have been lost in the glass tree.
"Well, companion?" Think language one leng obviously didn’t think forget dust and companions.
"Why? I can’t have companions, but they are very powerful. I’ll introduce you later. "After taking over the words, the first thing is to ask for a stone, and he also cares very much about it."
"hello? Who? "Although it is a strange number, if you can access it, don’t ask for it or choose to pick it up.
At this moment, he is packing things in the abandoned shipyard, and the state of the stone seems to have returned to its original state. The expression on his face is no longer so depressed and desperate, and they don’t seem to give up when they are packing the wreckage of the warship.
"It’s me who asked for it."
"Eldest brother? What the hell happened to you? We have been unable to contact you. "
"hmm? Something happened. My words fell out. What happened? " I feel something is wrong when I hear the tone of candlestick and forget the dust.
"Something really happened. The stone side was attacked by Japanese people, but it was solved by me." Don’t forget the truth. I was surprised that the stone disappeared when it was actually Japanese.
"But it’s not a thing. The real thing is that something happened to Xueyuan girl." Don’t ask him, this will tell Xueyuan things.
"what! ! What did you say? "Forget the dust, look big, snow falls, something has happened, and the brain is full of instant riots."
"Well, boss, don’t worry. It seems that it has been solved over there, but Stone and I are going to their place now. It seems that something has happened to our former companions. It seems that things are still complicated."
"Where are they?"
Say a coordinate quickly
Forget the dust and hang up the com. Get through the night talk immediately.
At the same time
Somewhere in zhongzhou
Blood stained the ground, and there were rows of bodies lying on the ground.
Shadow night sickle is still dripping blood. It seems that it has just been fighting for a long time, but at this moment, Ye Dongchen and Luo Yu, the first shadow night, are on both sides respectively. They have protected the snow behind them, and the enemy has been completely solved, but they are still nervous.
Ye Dongchen and Luo Yu glances didn’t expect to meet him here.
"Blue Blue"
The voice of the worm rises
"Hey, Shadow Night, where are you now? I’ll be right over."
"Colonel?" After hearing the sound, Shadow Night immediately got excited and immediately told him the exact location. After that, the com hung up instantly, but the other party seemed to see something strange.
"Ha ha is that guy? It seems that he is finally coming. "Black dress person smiled.
"Hey, is the boss coming?" Ye Dongchen and Luo Yu looked at the shadow night, and the latter nodded and the snow fell. After hearing it, they immediately took the reassurance that they should forget the dust as if they were not afraid of anything.
Chapter four hundred and forty-six Meet again
"I didn’t expect to meet you here again? Isn’t that guy there? "
"The wind wounds? We can’t do anything with you here. "
Although they barely defeated the warlords, they should not stay here for a long time. These guys have left their successors, and it is very likely to summon their family. They are terrible in the original leaf injury and blood situation, but they can get along with them, but with the arrival of the wind, the situation at the scene instantly solidifies.
Today, Ye Dongchen has never forgotten that the wind is terrible, and he has never forgotten that this guy’s eyes are also falling snow.
Although Shadow Night is an outsider for the time being, it is obvious what happened to them. "What, it turned out to be the enemy? Did you fight together before the loss? Will you meet each other in a blink of an eye?"
Just also calculate together to kill the warlords that group of people, if it weren’t for the two of them, they are really in a bad situation, and the last one was killed by the wind, which shows that its strength is terrible.
Although Ye Dongchen has also made great progress, there is still an unspeakable feeling in the face of wind wounds, which may have left a shadow long ago.
"I didn’t expect that the two small classes around me who forgot the dust have now grown to the point where they are now." The wind looked at Ye Shang and Luo Yu and sneered at it, but it really made him care about the call before.
"Although it’s an old acquaintance, since we can still meet Snowfall this time, we can let her follow us. It seems that there is no way to protect Snowfall Girl. I have been met by warlords. I said that you are destined to be in trouble with this woman. Now give her to me."
"You are dreaming!" Ye Dongchen and Luo Yu strongly refute that the shadow night is a sickle and looks awe-inspiring
"Are you? It’s a pity that you can die! " The shadow flashed, and the wind wound. That guy moves fast, which makes people feel embarrassed.
"Bastard don’t even weapons? Also too small to look at people, be careful wind wounds that guy is a dark swordsman "Ye Dongchen woke up.
Shadow night blunt go out "swordsmen didn’t weapons rushed to this is dead! !”
"Death even dances!"
"Death wind blade! !”