
Generally speaking; It is impossible for Pangu’s cosmic plane machine to let its own cosmic saints calculate otherwise; If a saint is one step ahead of others; Then if he doesn’t, he can snatch all the avenue machines, and then he will choose the rest of the saints as his brother in the future, so even the Taoist ancestors will not have his influence when the time comes. It seems that this is still the case when Daozu does things. Although the candidate is determined by heaven, it seems that there is really no difference in that line.

It is for one reason; It never occurred to me on Sunday that Yuan Tianzun accepted his brother’s true meaning until he received the information from Yuan Tianzun. It was only on Sunday that the original sage could not figure out where he was in the universe. There is nothing wrong with the universe, but it is not in this ranks. Yuan Tianzun’s fact is that if he knew that Sunday was here, he would not have accepted Sunday’s brother.
Lele didn’t tell Sunday; After the sci-tech universe was defeated by several cosmic alliances, although most of the cosmic sources were divided up by those universes, Lele escaped to Pangu universe with the core of the sci-tech universe and then agreed by both parties; Heaven has reached a corresponding agreement.
The technological universe has been merged into the Pangu universe, but the Pangu universe must ensure that it cannot threaten Sunday, the heir of the technological universe. At the same time, it is necessary to give Sunday a copy and make Sunday a new saint of the Pangu universe smoothly.
That is to say; I don’t know the facts on Sunday. The subject of Lele has pushed Sunday to be a saint like Yuan Tianzun after paying the price of not knowing it on Sunday. Even if it is not at this time, Yuan Tianzun is unlikely to worship Zhou Tianru on Sunday. Is to let him the future new saint is short for no reason.
It is certain that the heart is not comfortable. After all, Yuan Tianzun can be said to be calculating Sunday, and it is said that this matter is as bad as Sunday. That is absolutely impossible; I decided whether to worship this teacher or not before I regretted it. There won’t be any danger on Sunday today, but it’s always good for Sunday’s growth to have a teacher like Yuan Tianzun. On Sunday, I will no longer say much, and I will accept the teacher Yuan Tianzun directly.
Yuan Tianzun simply knew that the reason why he became a saint after Sunday would definitely know those things was direct, so he told them to Sunday, but he couldn’t see the reaction on Sunday. He is not afraid of Sunday regret; A saint can’t go back on his word, but a word spoken may be recalled; Unless Sunday doesn’t want to be sanctified or become the laughing stock of all saints, he has worshipped the teacher; Then Yuan Tianzun will take up the identity of Sunday’s teacher, but Sunday can’t change it.
Sunday is really didn’t want to go back on our word; Being calculated by Yuan Tianzun, it is naturally impossible for him to be so honestly cheated. Isn’t it just that he is inferior to those old saints? Sunday doesn’t care; Anyway, if you want to be holy on Sunday, who else will dare to look down on him because of his low seniority?
On the contrary; Yuan Tianzun is so eager to get started on Sunday; Although it is Sunday to find reasons for it, it can be seen from it; Yuan Tianzun wants to strengthen the overall strength of Buddhism by Sunday’s strength, and in the future, there will be four Taoist saints who will teach one religion and two saints. Even if the four Taoist saints are at odds, it is enough to suppress the fate of Buddhism.
Sunday Bai Yuan Buddha mind; At the same time, I don’t dislike Yuan Tianzunli, but this doesn’t mean that Sunday is ready to let it go so lightly. Yuan Tianzunli has benefited Sunday, which will never change since today’s incident; Sunday nature can’t make Yuan Tianzun better than not saying it; There is always some compensation. Let’s make it up to him.
With this decision in mind; On Sunday, naturally, he said bluntly to Yuan Tianzun, who had been waiting for his reaction, "I don’t know if I need a lot of spirit root elixir to raise the limit …"
"I have more than 100,000 kinds of elixirs in Yu Xugong; There are more than 100 kinds of Linggen, and you can transplant one of them into you. "
After listening to Sunday’s words, Yuan Tianzun; Naturally, it is impossible not to recognize the implication of Sunday’s words. Anyway, Yuan Tianzun didn’t put those things in his eyes and gave him what he wanted on Sunday without thinking directly, and he was prepared for it generously. Sunday was startled.
Although saints are different from ordinary people; Neither strength nor financial resources can be compared by ordinary people, but even so; The spirit root of the elixir is not so easy to get, even if it is in accordance with the identity of the Buddha; Show those things to Sunday; Fear is also its huā. I don’t know how long it took to accumulate it.
Now, on Sunday, when I heard that Yuan Tianzun had given him so many benefits, there was still some anger, which immediately disappeared. When I think of my previous performance on Sunday, I suddenly have a feeling that I am too petty.
In addition to Linggen, I wanted to get some benefits from Yuan Tianzun on Sunday. Now, seeing that Yuan Tianzun is so interesting, I feel embarrassed to give him such a big benefit. It’s not good to arrive on Sunday and ask Yuan Tianzun for other benefits.
Yuan Tianzun, that is, because he listened to Sunday’s words, took out those elixir spirit roots. Since Sunday no longer requires other things, Yuan Tianzun will not take the initiative to send something to Sunday, after all, it is just a matter of heart. Yuan Buddha doesn’t like Sunday very much. It’s one thing to woo Sunday, but he doesn’t need to please Sunday yet.
See Sunday there is no other requirements that Yuan Tianzun will no longer say anything more, after taking a casual look at Sunday; Yuan Buddha waved his hand and saw a large number of spiritual root elixirs around him. Then those things flew directly into Sunday after they could be played on Sunday.
When the east and west entered Sunday, Yuan Tianzun saw that Sunday had no other requirements, so at that time he said to Zhou Tiandao, "If there are other things, you can retire."
"Oh" on Sunday, although I felt that there were still many things to ask Yuan Tianzun, at that time; Because of the many gains that made him ecstatic, he didn’t care about those things when he arrived at the root on Sunday. After he nodded his head at that time, he was distracted and walked out of Yuan Tianzun’s room at that time.
And on Sunday when out of the room; But it was immediately blocked by a person.
Fairy water has a lot of interest in Sunday, but the original fairy water is not low in explaining education. Three generations are more important. A younger brother, Fairy water, has been in the virtual palace of Yu and has seen many great people. But all the people who went to see her except a few saints in explaining education, teaching by others or Buddhism were treated as well as Sunday.
Meanwhile; Before Sunday was connected to Explaining Education, she directly claimed to be an Explaining Brother. Although Fairy Bi Shui did not dare to say that all her Explaining Brothers were familiar with them, at least few of them were not familiar with Sunday. Fairy water can guarantee that it is the first time she has met her; After listening to the fairy emperor’s words, although the clear water fairy has nothing to say, it can be practical; But he has deceived Sunday as a brother pretending to be their interpreter.
Since a cheat will get the courtesy of Yuan Tianzun; In addition to feeling incomprehensible about Yuan Tianzun’s trip, it is naturally impossible for the clear water fairy to have no interest in Sunday.
Meanwhile; Zhou Tianyuan Buddha s: Talking to Clear Water Fairy thinks that she has no ability to eavesdrop, but it’s one thing not to eavesdrop, but it’s impossible not to be interested in what Zhou Tianyuan Buddha is talking about. Yuan Tianzun Clear Water Fairy naturally dares not take the initiative to ask each other such questions. In the end, the clear water fairy can do; There will be looking for Sunday to inquire about the information she is interested in.
According to the clear water fairy; Sunday, if not cheating, is just teaching a new three-generation brother at most; Maybe even a three-generation brother is not the case; The elder brother of the three generations, the clear water nun, asked herself to find this rookie on Sunday to inquire about some news. Sunday should be afraid not to cooperate.
That’s it; Zhou Tiancai left Yuan Tianzun’s room; I was going to find a quiet place to enter and see the changes inside, but I didn’t want to take urgent action on Sunday, but I felt suddenly pulled by someone, and then people disappeared directly into the reason until the reaction came; On Sunday, he found himself in front of him in a strange place; Then there is a smile on her face.
"Speak, who are you? Why do you want to pretend that I am explaining to my brother that you have a purpose in doing this? " Take out a magic weapon’ bold’ staring at Sunday’s clear water fairy assumed a ready to torture Sunday B and appearance; It’s because her heart can’t hide things, but it doesn’t show its’ ferocious’ appearance at all; The performance of the clear water fairy not only failed to scare Sunday’s move into the eye of the week; On the contrary, it makes Sunday feel that it can’t say how cute it is.
Of course; It’s one thing to feel each other’s fun, but it doesn’t mean that Sunday will recognize the clear water nun 1. If the former clear water nun 1 asks Sunday’s question like this; Sunday estimated that he could really be overwhelmed, but now Sunday has already got the identity he wants after seeing Yuan Tianzun. Sunday nature is not afraid of the clear water fairy B: and?
After pondering and looking at the clear water fairy; Zhou Tianxian didn’t answer; Straight to the clear water nun 1 almost didn’t bow his head. At that time, he replied to her, "If I pretend to be a younger brother; Do you think I can still walk out of that room alive? "
On Sunday, when you say this; After all, I really want to talk about it. That was a silly question. It is Yuan Tianzun who has seen Sunday now. If Sunday is really an impostor; With the strength of Yuan Tianzun, there is no reason to live until now. Since Sunday came out of that room alive, it is enough to say that Sunday is a teacher.
After feeling that I asked a stupid question; Fairy water immediately coughed, and asked other questions at that time.
"Well, even if you are a brother; Who is your master? " Say that finish; Fairy Water’s heart is already calculated. Wait till Sunday to name his master. Then the clear water nun 1 will prepare a set of words about which of her disciples and nephews Master Sunday is, so that she can say one or two things first and then erect the elder figure directly in front of Sunday. Then ask questions on Sunday; Fairy Bishui doesn’t believe Sunday and doesn’t answer her questions honestly.
However; Clear Water Fairy Plan is well planned, but when it is put on Sunday, it seems a little inappropriate. Because of the wrong object, Clear Water Fairy Plan is doomed to be impossible to succeed. Maybe it will be’ eat you’ in Clear Water Fairy. Looking at the situation on Sunday, Sunday sighed at that time, and looked at her with an expression that made Clear Water Fairy hate her teeth itch. "I just went to see my teacher. Why do you still ask such a question now?"
"Nonsense; You just went to see Master Zhang; Why did you suddenly go to see your master? You … Are you saying that Master Zhang is your teacher? " Not the clear water fairy is stupid; But for a while; I never thought that there would be a saint brother on Sunday. Clear water nun 1 naturally didn’t think she would encounter such a thing.
Now suddenly meet such a change; At that time, it made Xiangu Bishui so blindsided that she didn’t even know what kind of reaction to make.
If Sunday is the fourth generation or even the third generation; After all, Yuan Tianzun’s attitude towards Sunday is really strange. Even Sunday, regardless of age or training, has not reached that level, depending on its talent; There will be such a status, and even the clear water fairy recognizes that it is possible.
But only the clear water fairy never thought that Sunday would become the second generation brother; You know, Yuan Tianzun was severely calculated by Buddhism at the beginning, and most of the second-generation brothers led by the vice-leader, the Taoist who lit the lamp, directly rebelled against the master and devoted themselves to the rise of Buddhism. How could it be that those brothers were not allowed to plan Yuan Tianzun wholeheartedly?
Because of the original thing; Although there is nothing practical on the surface of Yuan Tianzun; Since then, the Buddha of the Yuan Dynasty has also weakened his heart of accepting disciples except the original second-generation brothers; Yuan Tianzun has never received an apprentice again, even if his talent is outstanding; In explaining teaching, it is only possible to have three generations of younger brothers; Like the second generation brother, it has not appeared for a long time.
For such a reason; After listening to Sunday’s words, Fairy Bishui’s first reaction was that Fairy Bishui lied there on Sunday, because Fairy Bishui didn’t want to admit the fact that Sunday had become her uncle.
However; Then, after a stay, Fairy Clear Water had to accept the reality.
A saint can’t joke. Since he said something like that on Sunday; The situation involving saints; Even if Sunday is bold, it is unlikely to dare to say it. Now it is possible for Sunday to dare to say something like that in Yu Xu Palace. That is, what Sunday said is true, and what Sunday said is true. All this is normal.
Looking back; Think again about what happened next to Sunday. If nothing else, just look at the attitude of Yuan Tianzun towards Sunday. Sunday’s position in Yuan Tianzun’s heart is almost as if it were more than half of the second generation brother. Sunday became the younger brother of Yuan Tian; That’s not unacceptable.
The heart has such an idea; At that time, the clear water fairy could believe Sunday’s words; After believing in Sunday’s words, the clear water fairy was entangled again at that time.
The former clear water fairy is still there, planning to use her own identity to pressure Sunday, but now it’s good; Since Sunday’s identity is higher than her, she has changed from a nephew to a martial uncle. Fairy with clear water not only failed to realize her previous plan, but now it may be because of her Sunday status; At this time of the clear water fairy is even lower on Sunday.
"Met the teacher … ShiShu" Godsworn generation that’s not luàn things by all the monks of Daozu must respect the teacher or else; The word "the devil takes the hindmost" is not finished. After all, although Daozu has been in harmony; No matter how powerful the Pangu universe is, I believe that he doesn’t want his brothers to be disobedient. What can affect the situation where the Taoist ancestors of Heaven sat there? How can the monks not value those things?
You need to salute when you see your elders; This is because all sects in the celestial world have rules. Because of the influence of the earth’s memory, they don’t pay much attention to these etiquette, but when the fairy maiden with clear water salutes Sunday; On Sunday, at that time, it was a comfortable feeling.
It’s not unheard of that Fairy Clear Water is hostile to Sunday, but what Fairy Clear Water can do on Sunday in the face of her hostility is to pretend that she doesn’t know what to do, but she will remember the appearance of Fairy Clear Water early.
Now the clear water fairy has found him again, and Sunday is not an idiot; How can you not feel that the clear-water nun 1 still has no good intentions when looking for him this time? It is naturally difficult to have any good feelings for the other party on Sunday when facing such a person who has no good intentions for himself. Seeing that the clear-water nun 1 is beaten by her identity; Zhou Tianyao may miss the opportunity to take advantage of the other party.
If you want to talk about how to take the clear water fairy; Sunday won’t do it, regardless of the other party, and he didn’t give him a reason to deal with his nephew. If you can’t say it, you can say that Sunday, although he said that he joined the teaching and became a second-generation brother in one fell swoop, can explain teaching; Sunday is an out-and-out newcomer. Even if we explain how to respect the monks, Sunday can be estimated that they will definitely reject him in their hearts. On Sunday, it is impossible to erect the enemy by yourself.
"Turns out to be a teacher niece ah cough, cough; I just came out in such a hurry that I forgot to ask the teacher where my residence is. I don’t know if you can help me with the journey. "
"No problem." Fairy Bishui felt that she was going mad. From Sunday, when the words’ teacher niece’ were said with emphasis, the clear water nun was not happy. Since Sunday asked her to help lead the way, it made the clear water nun 1 extremely angry …
It is necessary to say that the clear water fairy helped to bring all the words; There is nothing in the original. After all, Sunday is a newcomer, but the clear water fairy has been such a situation when Yu Xu lived in the palace for so long. It’s natural for the clear water fairy to help guide Sunday.
But now the problem is; Sunday’s clear water nun 1 has such a heavy teacher and nephew, plus the former clear water nun 1 helped Zhou Tianling to cross the road once, so finally, it was influenced by the previous words of both sides. The request that Zhou Tianyuan came out seemed very normal was to let the clear water nun 1 have the guts to take her as a tour guide on Sunday and feel so bossed by Sunday. Fairy water is naturally very unhappy.
However, in the end, Sunday’s request is not too much. Although there are all kinds of speculations in the clear water, I know that Sunday’s request to her is not well-intentioned, but it will eventually be due to Sunday’s identity; Fairy with clear water is the root, so she can’t refuse Sunday’s request. Clear water fairy can also nod to help bring up the road on Sunday.